A key to a successful GIS in organizations
Many GIS organisations or organizations with GIS technology tools are faced with problems in implementing GIS technology at their work place. In most cases, GIS fails because the professionals and managers who allocates resources are simply not aware of what drives GIS technology, and as a result they ignore the core components that leads to a successful GIS implementation.
The term ‘geographical information systems’ describes a technology. It’s a complex technology, and its successful application requires the linking of a number of technologies most of which have been developed independently of the GIS world.
GIS deals not only with technology, but also with the inputs to and the outputs from that
technology, which makes it a field of study. In order to properly use GIS, we need to understand what is involved in making it work successfully. What is involved is not simply technology but the whole context of its use. In summary, this article brings forward the idea that there are complex ramifications to the use of GIS technology.
When justifying GIS nowadays, experts need to strengthen the importance of the GIS components, namely technology, data, organisations, methods and body of ideas. This is because these are the core base of GIS that match the vision and commitment of the administrative and technical levels concerned, which should then be balanced against the technological and organizational investment needed in developing the necessary GIS infrastructure.
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