For the purposes of these manuals, univariate techniques are those which utilize only a single dependent variable. Therefore, designs which utilize multiple independent variables can be and are included in the univariate section of statistical techniques.
Multivariate methods provide an optimal linear combination of dependent variables that satisfy specific statistical criteria. These procedures include: (a) multivariate analogues of correlation and prediction techniques, (b) multivariate analogues of ANOVA significance tests, and (c) the classification of individuals into categories on the basis of predictor information.
Part I: Probability and Hypothesis Testing
Part II: Statistical Tests for Nominal Data
Part III: 1 & 2 Sample Parametric Tests
- One Sample t and z Tests
- Decision Errors and Power
- Two Sample t and z Tests
- Further Issues in Hypothesis Testing
Part IV: Correlation and Regression
Part V: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Terms and Concepts
- Computational Formulae for ANOVA
- Planned Comparisons
- Trend Tests
- Post Hoc Comparisons
- Repeated Measures Designs
- Randomized Blocks Designs
Part VI: Nonparametric Analogues
Part VII: Multiple Regression (MR)
- Overview of Multiple Regression
- Prediction with Continuous Variables
- Using Categorical Variables in MR
- Overview of Non-Linear Regression
Part VIII: Analysis of Covariance
Part IX: Multivariate Analysis of Variance
Part X: Other General Linear Models